Ready to update your portfolio?
Please go over all the following steps and make sure your portfolio is up to date. Already updated? You can skip to submit my update.
1. Check your portfolio link
Double-check that you’ve updated the URL section in your profile with your working portfolio link.
2. Check your password
Please double-check that if your portfolio is password protected, you’ve included the password in the “About” block on your profile, so both we and our companies can access it.
3. Check your case studies
If your portfolio is… | Try… |
Hosted on Dribbble or Behance → | Making sure you’ve added at least 2 case studies in full detail. Include a full project description with your deliverables, challenges, and insightful takeaways. |
Composed of screenshots, or a live website you worked on → | Giving us some more context. What problem were you solving, and how? Create at least 2 case studies with a full project description with your deliverables, challenges, and insightful takeaways. |
Hosted on a new site since requesting to join A.Team → | Updating the website section in your profile with your new portfolio link. |
Need help creating case studies?
1. Join us live
Join us live for 'The Perfect Designer Portfolio' workshop to answer all of your questions.
2. Review this step-by-step guide
Check out this presentation for details on what we're looking for, creating a fantastic portfolio, and crafting excellent case studies of your previous work.
Ready to submit your portfolio update?
Enter the email associated with your A.Team account to let us know you’ve made updates. The email is case-sensitive, so enter it exactly as it appears on your profile in account settings.
Need help? Have questions? Reach out to