Enhance Your Profile With Suggestions
Elevate your profile with suggestions, increasing your visibility and opportunities with companies
We built profile suggestions to make it easy for you to enhance your profile with key information, turning it into a portfolio of your best work that catches the attention of companies looking for top talent. When you have a detailed profile, you’re more likely to be surfaced to companies in the client app. Also, when applying to missions, companies have more detailed information to review, allowing them to better assess your fit for their mission more accurately and improving your chances of moving to the interview stage.
Viewing Profile Suggestions
To see if you have any profile suggestions available, log into your A.Team account and head to your profile page. If there are suggestions available, they will be shown on your profile.
If you have suggestions available that you’ve dismissed, you can click on the ✨ Enhance my profile button to get them back. This button will only be available if there are suggestions available. Other builders and companies cannot view your profile suggestions until you’ve accepted them.
Accepting or Declining Suggestions
You can always accept, edit, or discard suggestions, and only you can see suggestions on you r profile before you implement them. Currently profile suggestions are supported in the following sections:
- About me (bio) projects
- Skills
- Industries
- Projects
- Jobs
- Phone Number